Wondering what’s beyond Silent Valley? Grab this chance and get your backpacks ready for Bommiyampadi, a place at the heart of a lost jungle. Attappady, as it is known, is more of a natural monument than a natural wonder. ‘Tourists’ see Silent Valley; take a step further to see what’s beyond. See how years of destruction and revival shaped a landscape where life still hangs in the balance. Life always finds a way and here you witness it, as the scarlet shades of red-silk cotton flowers or the fluttering of peacock wings or the thumping of timid barking deer or the wake-up calls of skittish squirrels. Bommiyampadi, sitting beside ‘Krishnavanam’ is a place for any ‘urban escapee’. Be in a place which could have been the fate of Silent Valley without people’s love for nature. Remember, good things come in small packets and we offer you a packet of greenery and life.
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